As I learned during my term on the Becker City Council from 2005-2008, there is no shortage of issues facing cities, especially one with the challenges we face in today's economy. Check out my thoughts on some of the most pressing issues facing the Becker community and what I will do to address them.
Fiscal Responsibility
Most local residents have been negatively affected by inflation, increased costs in housing and skyrocketing energy prices over the past few years. While the state and national political scene certainly dictates payroll taxes, etc., there is an opportunity to scrutinize the city budget and its effect on local property taxes. Most Becker residents I know are willing to pay their taxes so that we have nice "things" in our community (roads, amenities, etc.), but they also expect the budget to reflect fiscal responsibility. Read More
Public Safety
Public Safety is a core function of city government, and an area where I have a great deal of experience. From serving as Chair of the city's now-defunct Police Advisory Committee, to my time as Chair of the Joint Powers Fire Board, I have long been an advocate for EMS and law enforcement. Read More
Intergovernmental Relations
Our city operates most efficiently and in the best interests of its citizens when we have trusting, strong bonds with the other local units of government such as the county, township and school district. In recent years, these relationships have suffered from a lack of cooperation and communication. I'm not going to place blame for the decay in these working relationships, but rather take action on day one to open up the lines of communication and rebuild the trust. I will take a personalized approach and utilize the decades of trust I have built with these other elected officials to ensure that all of our community's organizations act with a spirit of cooperation and collaboration. Read More
I believe there is an urgent need for increased transparency in our local government. The more informed the citizenry, the better the outcome for our community. I believe in the "sunshine clause", meaning that decisions should be made in public venues, where ideas can be debated and the public can attend or watch online to see what is happening within our city. Read More
Economic Development
When most people hear "economic development", they immediately think of attracting new businesses. This should certainly remain a focus and is an area the city has done a commendable job over the past few years.
However, one often overlooked area that needs attention is business retention.
Read MoreMiscellaneous
A list of thoughts, ideas and plans should I become Mayor. Read More